Surgery Movies Database

spacer    Coma (1978)
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My Rating: of 5

Scenes of interest

1. overview of an operating room.


2. the first victim: a young patient is taken into the operating room for a routine operation. This scene includes a very good intubtion procedure, with the anesthetist explaining what is doing to two medical students. right after this, the operation can begin, but something goes wrong, and the woman doesn't wake. GOOD intubation scene.

3. Dr. Susan discovers the organ traffic at Jefferson Institute, so it must be the next victim: another routine surgery has to go wrong, we can see again some good prepping scenes but unfortunately only the belly is shown. Anesthesia/prepping scene.


Cast and Credits
Starring: Geneviève Bujold, Michael Douglas, Richard Widmark, Elizabeth Ashley, Rip Torn
Directed by: Michael Crichton

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